Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Roll Back Driver In WIN VISTA

IF you have made update of drivers to any device within Windows Vista , and its causing problem and giving you PC issues, then you can simply roll back to previous driver update. for example, Most of the people face display issues after updating their graphics drivers, so in that condition this trick is most useful. Just have to follow following few steps:

* Go to Control Panel and switch to classic menu .

* Click on System and choose Device manager.

* And now right click on the device for which you want to driver to to get roll back. and in the right click menu select properties.

* And now in the Device properties window, In Driver tab click on the Roll Back Driver button.

* Now ignore the warning box by choosing Yes option to uninstall the driver.

Note: Roll Back Driver button will be grayed out If there’s no previous driver to roll back .

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